2015 Jammer slot for poker Fruit machine wukong king from C.T.S Technology

This Jammer slot for poker Applicable models: single slot machine, wire slot machines, roulette slot machine coin type, paper type, type of lottery, Europe and the United States machine,, machines, animals 3D, 3D racing.

Working voltage: 36V
Working mode: Button 2 800MHZ mix frequency button one 46Mhz direction frequency(as the video talk )
Antenna mode: built-in to enhance the antenna [non removable]
Instrument color: Black
Instrument size: 110X46X30MM
Instrument power: 25W
Power switch: single open
Heat radiation mode: internal heat sink

jammer slot modificado con el transistor e inductor que le hace falta para q de chicha, no me ago responsable de lo que agan con el xahi, los jammer chinos no funcionan repito no funcionan, ay que modificarlos no tiren su dinero. no gasten su dinero en chapuzas baratas caseras que ay x ahi no os van a funcionar ojo

Charge 3 holes each hole charge 15-20 minutes

Source: 2015 Jammer slot for poker Fruit machine wukong king

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