The Surprising Benefits of Air Purifiers

Here are several surprising benefits of air purifiers I have noticed after purchasing and using an air purifier/ionizer for the last few years. The best air purifier for you is usually not that hard to find with some basic research.

Pets share our homes every day and bring with them pet odors, urine stains, and skin dander. For family members who have allergies, these odors can be upsetting and cause respiratory distress, which may result in a visit to the hospital with expensive and prolonged treatment.

Vacuuming isn’t enough to remove all these pollutants daily. We all love our domestic animals, but did you know:

• Having a cat in your bed or lounge can result in skin dander being left in the bed linen and the lounge fabric.
• Dogs bring into the home odors and germs from outdoors into the house.

You will need a decent air purifier for pets. Thankfully, Olansi  K06 Air purifier has been designed specifically to eliminate these allergens from your home. The Olansi  K06 Air purifier uses HEPA (High-Efficiency Particular Air) filtration that quickly purifies and freshens the room air and relieves itchy stinging eyes for allergy sufferers. The HEPA system cleans the air in as little as two hours after using the air purifier in any room through the use of four filters to clean and return clear air. This unit can be moved around safely in its carry bag.

Have you had to leave a party or your dinner guests due to an attack of asthma or an allergic reaction to allergens floating in the air, Not only is it embarrassing and stressful, depending on the cause of the reaction you may need medication to quell the symptoms.

Have you had to leave a party or your dinner guests due to an attack of asthma or an allergic reaction to allergens floating in the air, Not only is it embarrassing and stressful, depending on the cause of the reaction you may need medication to quell the symptoms.

• The cause of hay fever is pollen particles in the air in spring, which causes irritation to the eyes and may lead to an asthma attack in susceptible adults and children alike.
• Mould spores thrive in damp and humid areas, such as bathrooms causing severe lung infections and breathing difficulties if inhaled.
• Dust mites live in the dust in your home and have been scientifically proven to cause skin allergies.

The Olansi  K06 Air purifier removes 99.99% of common pollutants using its HEPA Antimicrobial filter system, and a carbon filter, eliminating mold and dust particles. This unit has been rated and approved by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America for use to reduce asthma attacks.

Source: The Surprising Benefits of Air Purifiers

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