Global Air Purification report analyzes

This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Air Purification Equipment in US$ Million by the following Technology Segments: Stand-Alone Air Purification Equipment, and Induct Air Purification Equipment. The US and Canadian markets are further analyzed by the Technology Segments and Contaminant Removal Features: Product by Technology – Stand-Alone Air Purification Equipment (Media Combinations, Electrostatic Precipitation (ESP), Plasma, & Others), and Induct Air Purification Equipment (Media Combinations, Ultra Violet, Electrostatic Precipitation (ESP), Photo Catalytic Oxidation (PCO), & Others)); and Product By Contaminant Removal Feature – Air Purifiers With Odor Removal Features (Stand-Alone, & Induct); and OEM Air Purifiers Without Odor Removal Features (Stand-Alone, & Induct). The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Rest of World. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2015 through 2022. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information including company URLs. The report profiles 126 companies including many key and niche players such as –

3M Company
Abatement Technologies, Inc.
AllerAir Industries, Inc.
Blueair, Inc.

Source: Global Air Purification report analyzes

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