Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms – Web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

Repost Your Products Articles To Web2.0 + Social Sites + Photo Sites + Bookmark Sites

0.5$ to publish 1 article to 15 sitesaverage just $0.03/post

Free Trial: offer 1 article, then give you all posted link for checkingPost Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms – Web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites
Referral Gift:Refer a new client, both will freely get 20% of the number of new clients ordered.

Summary: This service mainly achieves the following two points: ① Synchronize customer’s product information or articles to multiple web2.0 and social networking sites to increase the exposure chance! ②Increase the external links and social attributes of the website to improve the website ranking in Google!

5* Web2.0 sites Blog, Google BlogSpot, Tumblr Blog(Twice), Weebly Blog, Livejournal Blog;
5* Social sites:Facebook page, Twitter Status(Twice), LinkedIn Status, VK Status, LinkedIn Page(Standby),VK Group(Standby);
3* Photo sitesFlickr, Pinterest, Instagram (Standby);
4* Bookmark SitesDiigo, Plurk, Instapaper(Standby), Pocket(Standby);

Note① Standby – as a supplement, unstable, to replenish the quantity of the possible failed post.
② Twice – the article will be reposted via WordPress blog to another Tumblr blog and Twitter status (repost).
③ 5 blog sites + 4 social sites + 2 photo sites + 2 bookmarking sites + 2 twice posting sites = 15 sites; + 5 standby sites = 20 sites! There are generally no less than 15 sites per article published. Adding new sites without further notice!
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms – Web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

① Article Processing Fee: The cost for seller collect and process articles from buyer site;
② No article processing fee for first order!
No article processing fee for buyer offer articles;
No article processing fee for orders over 200 articles/site;
No article processing fee for articles posts again.
③ The same content can be published multiple times for different groups of sites!
Post content: mainly the products and articles from the client’s site! The client can provide articles, or we collect and process the articles from the client’s site!

Content requirements: ① article text between 300 – 1500 words; ② article title should not be too long; ③ article must have a picture, but not more than 3; use the website picture link (help the picture index and ranking) ④ article links not more than 3 (can be no link); ⑤ article with source links at the end (content page source links).

Posting time: The default posting frequency is 3% (100 posts, 3 posts/day, done in about 1 month), adjust posting time depending on the number of posts.
①All sites’ accounts are managed by sellers, and customer platforms are not accepted for the time being;
②All articles should be published out via our site(some posting sites will have a link to our site at the end of the article, still to your article).
③ Provide the publish sites list for verification, but not offer a full publish report at present;
④ Any article publishing failure will be reissued according to the number (Actually, each article will be posted to our standby sites to make up for the possibility of publishing failure, so the publish quantity is nearly always more than we promised);
⑤ If the publishing sites are changed later (the site is blocked or poorly Google index, or other reasons, the publishing site will be replaced), the articles published in the early stage will not be reissued!
⑥ We will do SEO jobs for publishing sites to get a better Google index!
⑦ Posting will be adjusted according to the actual situation, not necessarily published an article directly to all 15 sites, and do LinkWheel to get a better result. E.g the main site—blogger blog—diggo; the main site—wordpress blog—LinkedIn. This kind of change without further notice.

①About Google Index: original article, Google index is better; the repost of content from clients’ sites, just part can be Google Indexed, But it is definitely worth the money!
②About site security: What we do is normal information publish, is the need for site promotion, the number is not large, the platforms are diverse, so the security is extremely high!

5 Web2.0 Sites Cases

Linkedin Profile
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

Linkedin Company Page:
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

Facebook page:
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

Vistors message in FB page:
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites

Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites
Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms - web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites



Source: Post Your Products Article To 15+ Platforms – Web2.0 blog, Social Sites, Photo Sites, Bookmarking Sites
