Poor air quality in the home: The PM2.5 standard and indoor air pollution

We’re worried about the purity of our outdoor air, but what about our indoor air quality,

Particulate matter (PM) in the air poses a threat to our health and wellbeing. But we’re naïve if we believe that it’s only the air we breathe outside that is a threat.

We spend, on average, 90% of our time indoors. Outdoor air pollution in the form of particulate matter doesn’t stop at our doors or windows. In fact, additional sources of particulate matter are found all over our indoor spaces.

Putting our children at risk.

In other words, if we do not use air purifier, the places where we spend the most time are loaded with particulate matter that impacts our health and, perhaps most importantly, the health of our children, so why not buy a Hepa air purifier,

Purifying the air where we live and work.

There are two ways to improve indoor air quality: increasing ventilation and/or using indoor air purifiers. Adding ventilation is a double-edged sword. Bringing more outside air in may add outdoor pollutants to indoor air. On the other hand, it may also equalize what is typically poorer quality indoor air with less toxic – but still polluted – outdoor air.

Source: Poor air quality in the home: The PM2.5 standard and indoor air pollution.

Source: Poor air quality in the home: The PM2.5 standard and indoor air pollution
