For Fall Allergies Do You Know About This 10 Scary Facts

Fall allergy season is upon us. Yet, despite the seasonal shift bringing welcomed activities like weekend football and trips to the cider mill, we’re also faced with maybe the biggest upswing of harmful airborne allergens all year.

Thanks to a drastic increase in ragweed pollen, dust mites, hay fever and pet dander, Fall is one of those times of year when we have to take extra precaution to ensure we’re not falling victim to the various seasonal allergens swirling around our air. But, how can we take precautions against allergy trends we’re not aware of,

To help anyone who’s not keen to Fall allergies safeguard themselves for the next three to four months, we’ve provided the following little known facts about these frightening seasonal allergens. Some of them will help you stay informed, while others will scare you straight into an action plan.

1) More than half of all Americans have one or more allergies, says The National Institute Of Health

2) Over 10% of U.S. children reported respiratory allergies in 2012, according to the AAOAAI

3) Many students contract allergy symptoms from classmates, who haven’t taken proper care of themselves and spread germs in class

4) 7.5% of adults and 9.0% of children have been diagnosed with hay fever

5) Ragweed pollen can travel hundreds of miles via wind, hindering your immune system, no matter where you live

6) Raking leaves might make some feel they’re clearing the yard of allergens, but turning up those leaves actually triggers allergy outbreaks

7) Ragweed pollen is most harmful during AM hours, when pollen counts are the highest

8) One in five people have dust mite allergies, according to Healthy House

9) There are around 10,000 of dust mites living in the average bed

10) Unless you take precautions before your symptoms set in, Fall allergies will settle into your system, no matter how much medicine you take

Still confident that your home will be completely allergy free, this Fall, If not, consider adding any of our Air Purifiers For Allergies. All of our high performance OEM air purifiers include state of the art HEPA filtration, which removes 99% of the airborne allergens from your home air and also prevents them from ever settling into your environment in the first place.

Come fall, don’t let seasonal allergies bring down your health. Instead, learn the details – no matter how scary – and take precautions to ensure your family can prevent allergy symptoms from arising, before they even get a chance to kick in.  For additional information check out steps you can take toremove household dust.

Other articles to help with your allergies.

Suffer fall allergies,

10 Reasons everyone needs a Hepa air purifier

Feel better from pet allergies

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Jobs that increase asthma

The link between allergies and asthma

What is a HEPA filter,

Relieve Ragweed and Pollen Allergies

Source: For Fall Allergies Do You Know About This 10 Scary Facts

Source: For Fall Allergies Do You Know About This 10 Scary Facts
