ColorMax Printing manufactures Plastic ic cards using best material at factory cost

A smart card is a plastic card about the size of a credit card, with an embedded microchip that can be loaded with data, used for telephone calling, electronic cash payments, and other applications, and then periodically refreshed for additional use. Currently or soon, you may be able to use a smart card to:

smart card * Dial a connection on a mobile telephone and be charged on a per-call basis
smart card * Establish your identity when logging on to an Internet access provider or to an online bank
smart card * Pay for parking at parking meters or to get on subways, trains, or buses
smart card * Give hospitals or doctors personal data without filling out a form
smart card * Make small purchases at electronic stores on the Web (a kind of cybercash)
smart card * Buy gasoline at a gasoline station

A smart card contains more information than a magnetic stripe card and it can be programmed for different applications. Some cards can contain programming and data to support multiple applications and some can be updated to add new applications after they are issued. ,Smart cards can be designed to be inserted into a slot and read by a special reader or to be read at a distance, such as at a toll booth. Cards can be disposable (as at a trade-show) or reloadable (for most applications).

An industry standard interface between programming and PC hardware in a smart card has been defined by the PC/SC Working Group, representing Microsoft, IBM, Bull, Schlumberger, and other interested companies. Another standard is called OpenCard. There are two leading smart card operating systems: JavaCard and MULTOS.

There are several varieties of contact smart cards available. The type suitable for your application depends on the amount of data you require to be held and the level of security needed.

Contact smart cards are split into two major categories: Memory and Microprocessor. Memory cards are like CDs; they hold data but are not intelligent devices. Microprocessor chips are like PCs as they hold data and are intelligent.

PIN Protected Memory Cards:
Applications include fuel cards, vending cards, loyalty applications, electronic coupons, subscribers card, electronic purse, membership cards, utility prepayment, identity and variety of protected portable data files.

Examples of these cards include:
SLE4442 – 256 Byte, Pin Protected Write
SLE4428 – 1K Byte, Pin Protected Write

5542 chip IC cards

Thickness: 30mil/0.76mm













Source: ColorMax Printing manufactures Plastic ic cards using best material at factory cost

Source: ColorMax Printing manufactures Plastic ic cards using best material at factory cost
